So we did have our "oh s**t!!" moment of the drive down. We got to a small town in southwestern Pennsylvania, abot 6-7 hours of driving already having been done, when I realized that I had my dad's house key, van key, and warehouse key in my pocket. As I told my mom, it was a good thing I do not have a speaker connected to my brain because the old people sitting in the "classic" Denny's diner at 6:30 in the morning would have been shocked and probably offended at the number and volume of the obscenities going through my mind.
So cue another 2ish hour car ride to Knoxville, Maryland where we stopped for Starbucks (where I discovered my new love: caramel machiato with cream) and a local UPS store where we were informed the package (keys) would not be there till Monday afternoon...aand then Tuesday afternoon because apparently the dude had little idea what he was doing. But spare keys were found by the father and the keys are on their way to Niagara Falls so that crisis has been dealt with.
So far VB has been rainy. However, no amount of crappy weather could offset the fact that we are 12 stories up overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, AND the fact that my mom took me to a restaurant where I had the most amazing crab soup and crab cakes in the world. Like seriously. They were so good they were almost divine. Slight sad note: I was hoping to get crabs from Dirty Dick's, but their Virginia Beach location has closed down. There may be another one in a nearby city so all hope is not lost. I shall press on. Adios.